Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Creative expressions....

Sorry for the absence.....we have been busy.  In the midst of cleaning out, selling stuff and taking care of Caroline (Spencer was in PA with Mimi and Papa), I found myself having the urge to do a craft project.  I haven't had the time, energy or ambition to do anything crafty in a long time.  So what did I do?  I made a frame for a puzzle that Caroline and I put together to hang in her new room in NJ.  I made it out of cardboard, tissue paper, construction paper and Modge Podge.  The only things I had to buy were the buttons and jewels, total of $4.50.  I thoroughly enjoyed myself and remembered why I went to art school in the first place.  Check out the pictures!!

When I worked, I was just too mentally drained when I got home to even think about doing projects.  Now, I can't stop thinking of things to do.  I can't do anymore for the time being until we move and get settled back in NJ.  I found a new website called Pinterest that has so many ideas on it.  I have already run with one of the ideas I found on there.  I have a copy of Dr. Seuss', "Oh, the places you'll go" that I got as a gift when I graduated college. (Thanks Jen!!).  I gave it to Caroline's teachers today and asked them to write a note in it for her.  I will do this every year with every teacher, then when she graduates from high school I will give it to her.  If you haven't read the book recently, or ever, you should.  It is very inspirational to anyone starting a new phase in their life.

Tomorrow I will blog from the road as my mom, Spencer and I will set off for VA Beach to transport a family bar to my Aunt and Uncle.  ROAD TRIP!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love that book!!! What a great idea for her to have, youre such a good mommy! :-)
    This frame is awesome Christina. Good job. have fun on your road trip.
